
What is Multi-Axis Simulation Table (MAST) Testing and What are its Automotive Applications?




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约翰Zoelling is the Engineering Supervisor at Element's Troy, Michigan laboratory.




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大卫·怀廷 is the Operations Manager at Element's Troy, Michigan laboratory.

Multi-axis simulation table testing (sometimes also called multi-axial simulation testing or multi-axis shaker table testing) uses a platform fitted with servo-hydraulic actuators to subject a component or assembly to vibration, shaking, tilting, 类似的力量. Typically, this testing is performed to understand how an automotive component or sub-system will respond to these forces in the real world. The forces applied to the vehicle or component during MAST testing are not random, the table can be programmed with incredible precision to move in the specific patterns desired for testing. 用于车辆部件, assemblies, 和子系统, the type, frequency, intensity, and duration of the forces exerted by the table are based on data collected from 道路载荷数据采集(RLDA), a process that measures a vehicle’s response to road input as it is tested on a proving ground.

这取决于客户需要什么数据, automotive MAST testing can be performed in conjunction with or in place of proving ground testing. There are many advantages to using MAST testing to gather data about vehicle components, and there are many cases in the automotive industry where MAST testing is preferable to testing on a proving ground.


A 多轴模拟台 一个平面,刚性表面连接到多个伺服液压执行器. 在Element的案例中, 用于车辆部件测试, we typically use five or six actuators that move individually to provide 5 or 6 degrees of freedom, 包括横向, 纵向和垂直平移以及俯仰, 横摇和偏航旋转, 基于计算机程序提供的输入的.

MAST依赖于程序驱动文件或执行器输入. The customer may supply a predesigned drive file that they use as their testing standard, 但在很多情况下, 道路反应数据是从在路面上行驶的车辆收集的, 使用车载传感器阵列. 对原始响应数据进行分析和编辑, 并使用试验场试验的关键数据来创建驱动文件. A drive file, essentially, tells the MAST input actuators how to move to precisely recreate the forces from the proving ground test. 驱动文件开发是一个依赖于准确数据的迭代过程, 专门的计算机程序, 并且专业的测试人员给予准确的专业知识, relevant, 和可重复的结果.

Experts edit the data to retain only damaging events, then use that data to create a drive file. They test it many times to ensure that the MAST generates the correct forces and recreates damage and fatigue accurately. 一旦创建并验证了驱动器文件, vehicle components can be attached to the MAST surface and tested many times with the same sequence of inputs.


MAST测试不能完全取代试验场测试, 但是当涉及到测试组件时, assemblies, 尤其是子系统, 它更快, 更划算, 而且比在组装的车辆上重复试验更精确. 它允许对组件单独进行测试和评估, 而不是测试整个车辆, and it allows testing professionals to isolate variables and diagnose problems or issues in a component more precisely than they could on a proving ground. The MAST can repeat exactly the same series of movements over and over in a way that would be impossible for a driver on a track, which is a reliable way of comparing the performance of multiple different designs of the same component or isolating the cause of a failure.

MAST测试还减少了总体测试时间,从而缩短了上市时间. By selecting and repeating only the most damaging forces from the proving ground test over and over, MAST testing can replicate the lifetime wear on a component in a time frame as short as a few weeks, 显著减少单个组件的测试时间. Additionally, 当组件很小时, 多个组件可以固定在一个MAST上, 让他们同时接受测试.

“MAST testing can replicate the lifetime wear on a component in a time frame as short as a few weeks, 显著减少单个组件的测试时间.”


MAST测试依赖于来自试验场的RLDA数据才能成功, so effective testing relies heavily on quality data collection and interpretation. The expertise of the testing professionals involved can be a significant factor in data reliability, as editing the raw data and creating the drive file are manual processes that require firsthand experience and extensive testing knowledge.

MAST测试的物理限制是刚性的工作台表面, 哪一个不允许扭曲或弯曲, 哪些可能是测试某些组件的必要部分. The size and weight of the component or assembly are also important to consider. MASTs come in a range of sizes and weight limits; some can accommodate an entire vehicle while others have a surface only a foot across; some actuators have a force capacity of 500 lbs.,而其他人则有77000磅. capacity. 当你评估一个潜在的测试伙伴, it is important to understand the scope of your requirements and to assess whether the testing lab’s equipment can meet those needs.

If you have questions about how MAST testing is performed or how MAST testing from Element could benefit your organization, 请im体育APP 和我们的专家谈谈. 有着悠久的历史 汽车im体育平台app下载测试经验 以及一个全球性的实验室大家庭, 我们有能力, knowledge, 以及帮助你实现目标的设备.

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